
We aim to offer a wide range of extra-curricular PE and sports clubs throughout the academic year at Holbrook Academy. Clubs run at lunchtimes and after school on a weekly basis.

Most of the clubs feed into local/county competitions; in addition, there are multiple opportunities through the year for students to compete in other sporting activities at local/county level.  The club timetable changes on a half termly/termly basis to fully support as many sports as possible. Furthermore, students compete on sports day where they represent their house in activities such as dodgeball, rounders, netball, football and retro races.

During the Autumn/Spring terms we normally enter the following competitions at a local/county level:

Cross country, football, badminton, rugby, netball, swimming, trampolining, indoor cricket, indoor athletics, handball and futsal

During the Summer term we normally enter the following competitions at a local/county level:

Athletics, cricket, tennis, rounders and volleyball.

All students are encouraged to attend our sports clubs, irrespective of ability or experience, the main thing required is enthusiasm. The extra-curricular clubs that we offer help students to develop values such as fairness, respect, determination and teamwork.


PE Kit details can be found below:-

Holbrook Academy PE kit 2021-22
