
Here at Holbrook Academy, we pride ourselves on the warm, welcoming atmosphere where everybody truly can be somebody.

Students talk of the acceptance and tolerance of different beliefs and how safe they feel coming to school.  Staff and students work on the underlying principles of mutual trust and respect for one another.

We have very clear and consistent expectations of our students in terms of how they should conduct themselves in lessons, during break and lunch times, as well as how they move around the building.

These expectations are laid out in our behaviour policy which can be accessed by clicking here and summarised by these key points:

Students should:

  • Be ready – All students will be ready to learn and have the correct equipment / uniform.
  • Be respectful – All students to display a level of respect for themselves, their peers, their teachers and their property / surroundings.
  • Be safe – All to ensure the safety of others – Verbally and physically.
  • Be silent and attentive whilst teacher or peers are talking.
  • All students will follow and adhere to basic instructions given.

Class teachers should:

  • Meet and greet at the door.
  • Model positive behaviours and build relationships.
  • Plan lessons that engage, challenge and meet the needs of all learners.
  • Use the ClassCharts rewards system and follow up with phone calls/postcards home.
  • Use a visible recognition mechanism throughout every lesson.
  • Be calm and give ‘take up time’ when going through the steps. Prevent before sanctions.
  • Follow up every time, retain ownership and engage in reflective dialogue with learners.
  • Never ignore or walk past learners who are behaving badly.

Form Tutors and the Pastoral Team will monitor the behaviour and wellbeing of all students by analysing ClassCharts points and intervening where necessary.

Where an individual’s behaviour falls short of the high standards we expect from our students at Holbrook Academy, there are sanctions available to teaching staff which will be applied in line with the severity of the action.  There will always be a restorative action involving the student and member of staff, where applicable.  Further details of these can be found in our behaviour policy.


In addition, students should follow the Student Code of Conduct which can be found here – Student Code of Conduct
