English as an Additional Language (EAL) Provision

Before the student arrives, the student is assigned to a supportive tutor group and placed in the highest set available.  A suitable buddy is identified  within the tutor group who can support the new student during lessons and break-times. Where possible the buddy will be a student who is able to provide support with language.

The tutor may discuss with the tutor group practical ways in which the new student can be made to feel welcome.

During the admission process, we will identify where support with communication may be useful for parents/carers.. This may involve identifying someone who can support parents/carers with limited skills in English.

The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator also has oversight over the English as an Additional Language support and along with the Pastoral Team will circulate the relevant information to subject teachers and members of staff who may be involved in organising and providing additional support.

Guidance is provided for tutors and subject teachers. Students will have access to specific support depending on their language acquisition.
