GCSE Results 2024

Holbrook Academy is pleased to share their pride in the performance of our students in the 2024 GCSE examinations; the dedication and hard work of our students and staff have truly paid off.

Further details available here :- Performance – Holbrook Academy

Caterlink Autumn 2024 Menu

The menu for the Autumn term is displayed in school and is available here – Autumn Menu 2024

GCSE Results 2023

Congratulations to all our Year 11 students who collected their GCSE results on the 24th August. Overall, 73% of students in English, and 70% of students in Maths have achieved grade 4. 

Amongst the Class of 2023 was Abiola who achieved a fantastic 8 GCSEs at Grade 9 and 2 GCSEs at Grade 8 who responded, “I was overcome with joy and gratitude upon receiving my results, thank you to my family and the incredible teachers at Holbrook Academy for supporting me and ensuring I got the grades I worked for, from the beginning to the end of my time at Holbrook”.    Further to this, Cerys also did brilliantly with six GCSEs at Grade 9 and four at Grade 8. She commented, “Turns out the stress and work was worth it in the end…”.

Acting Headteacher, Mr Anstee-Parry, shared his immense pride in the results: “We are so proud of what our students have achieved and the young people they have become holistically. These results reflect the hard work of all the students, teachers and supportive parents and carers at Holbrook Academy”. 

Autumn Term

Students return to the Academy on Wednesday 6th September 2023.

GCSE Results 2022

Congratulations to all our Year 11 students who collected their GCSE results today. Amongst the Class of ’22 was Elsie who achieved an incredible 5 GCSEs at Grade 9 and 3 GCSEs at Grade 8 who responded, “I’m really happy – I worked really hard but the support that I have received from the teachers has been great.”

Having previously achieved Grade 9 in Maths last year, Ivan was also delighted to receive 5 Grade 9 GCSEs and 4 GCSEs at Grade 8, including a Grade 9 in Further Maths.

Headteacher, Mr Maltby, was delighted at the individual successes at Holbrook Academy alongside the overall progress of this cohort. “This Year group has experienced real challenges over the past two years and yet they have demonstrated such resilience and grit. I am as proud as proud can be of our students.”

During the exam season, many students participated in a fire-walking experience that the Academy arranged; a reminder that courage and determination can overcome fearsome obstacles. Today, students at Holbrook Academy have proven that their generation can achieve great things and the Academy wishes them every success in the next chapter of their lives.

Holbrook Academy wins grant of £237,000 for new Science provision and additional teaching centre

Students and staff at Holbrook Academy are celebrating the news that building work will shortly begin on a new science lab and a new teaching centre, following the award of £237,000 from Community Infrastructure Levy funds collected from new housing builds in the local area.

Headteacher, Mr Tom Maltby, said: “This is fantastic news for our students and for our local community. Holbrook Academy is fully committed to enhancing Science for all our students alongside sharing this new Science facility with local primary schools. One of the important lessons from this past year is that Science really matters in our everyday lives and at Holbrook we want to nurture tomorrow’s leading scientists. This is a great step forward.”

Chair of Governors, Louise Cullen, said: “This project has been a long-term ambition for Holbrook Academy and we are absolutely delighted to finally start work on this exciting new development.”

The school will be increasing capacity from 590 students to 600 once the provision is in place. The new teaching centre will be named The Mayhew Centre in honour of former Acting Headteacher, Nicola Mayhew, who led the school following the sudden death of Dr Simon Letman in April 2019, and will enhance Holbrook Academy’s commitment to personalised learning.

Poem About Returning to School

Follow the link above to read a poem by Bethan in Year 7 about students returning to school:-




Information for Students

All students have been sent a copy of the ‘Information for Students Returning to School’ leaflet, together with their timetable and a year group badge.  Please click here for a copy of the leaflet.
