Holbrook Academy is fully committed to delivering our Equality Action Plan alongside monitoring its impact on a termly basis. Our Equalities Policy can be viewed on our policies page and our action plan is detailed below. These actions are also embedded in our Academy Improvement Plan, which can also be viewed on our website within the “About Holbrook Academy” section. If you wish to provide any feedback regarding our priorities, or to comment on any of the issues raised in these key documents, please do not hesitate to contact us – office@holbrookacademy.org
Equalities Action Plan : Summer Term 2024
- Termly monitoring of rewards and sanctions aligned with protected characteristics
- To promote protected characteristics across school and in curriculum
- To ensure there is a reduction in the number of racist / homophobic incidents
- To ensure we use assemblies and displays to promote racial, linguistic, religious and neurodiversity
- To monitor student destinations and align with protected characteristics; monitoring any patterns or concerns