
Few of us know what we want to do with the rest of our lives when we are at school. But beginning to think broadly about careers helps students make more informed choices about GCSE and Post-16 options.

Without creating undue pressure, we are keen that students do invest some time and effort researching the options.

Holbrook Academy’s Careers Lead is Mr Simon Rogers –

Our specialist careers advisor is Mrs Sarah Pawlewski of Career Directions.

Holbrook Academy Careers Programme for Years 7-11: Careers Programme

Holbrook Academy Careers Policy


Post 16 Pathway Information 2023 – Pathways Information 2023


All the information for students can be found in the Careers Zone folder on the  shared Google drive.  The Careers Zone covers careers in different areas, information from local colleges, virtual tours, work experience and apprenticeships and interesting video clips.  Information is updated regularly.


As part of the careers guidance and education programme we deliver at Holbrook Academy, students have access to Kudos, the latest program from CASCAID.  Kudos is accessible online and we are encouraging the use of it at home to involve parents/carers with the important decisions students have to make about their future options.

Kudos will help students to assess their interests and skills, as well as letting them explore and research different education and career options, enabling them to make informed decisions about their future.  To access the program, please visit


Information on the Norfolk and Suffolk Economic Strategy can be found here – Norfolk and Suffolk Economic Strategy


Useful Careers Websites

The following links are good starting points to help you to think about future career opportunities both locally and nationally:

Information about Jobs, Careers and Employers

Information about Higher Education

Information about Apprenticeships

