Staff & Governors

The staff and governors of Holbrook Academy work with parents, carers and students to create an environment in which students can make the most of their abilities while being engaged in a positive and sustainable way with their community.

Key to that is a good quality of communication between all parties. Learning is not restricted to students; staff and governors strive to continuously improve their contribution.

Below you can find the current list of staff.

Staff List : January 2025

The Academy is required to publish the number of employees whose benefits exceeded £100k, in £10k bandings, for the previous year ended 31 August. Benefits for this purpose include salary, employers’ pension contributions, other taxable benefits and termination payments. For this period, the Academy had one employee within this category.

Executive Pay Salary Pension Travel & Subsistence Total
1 £80-90k £20-30k £0-10k £100-110k