Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is additional government funding to help children from low income families, service families and children who have been in care for more than six months at any point in their lives. The funding will help to give them the same chances of doing well as their friends and classmates.

Holbrook Academy, and all the schools in the UK, are judged on how they spend that money and whether this helps students who are supported by PPG funding to achieve as well as their friends and classmates.

We spend the funds on activities, support and initiatives unique to each child. Some will need extra help in the classroom others may just enjoy access to new enriching opportunities which boost their confidence, creative abilities and challenge them to do their best.

Please do let us know if you are a family on low income, if your child has ever been in care for six months or longer, or if you are a military service family. The children are never identified in classrooms or stigmatised in any way so you can be confident we will be able to use the funding sensitively to help your child achieve their best.

Significant barriers to success:

A: Literacy difficulties – leading to a lack of access to education

B: Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties

C: Low Attendance

D: Lack of access to enriching life experiences

Our Aims: 

  1. Increase levels of literacy and numeracy in Year 7, 8, 9 PP students
  2. Improve behaviour and self-regulation of PP students
  3. Improve attendance of PP students 94% or above
  4. Broader curriculum and access to opportunities outside of their local environment


We review how we have used the PPG every academic year and the current report can be found below:

Pupil Premium  Strategy 2024-25


More Information about Pupil Premium