Governors approve extended day

Holbrook Academy governors have given the go-ahead for a longer school day from September. The governors approved a proposal from Principal, Dr Simon Letman, to push back the end of the school day to 3.35pm on all five days of the week.

The governors’ decision came after a five-week consultation period, during which the proposal was amended from a 4.15pm finish on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to the even extension across the week.

A motion in favour of the amended proposal was passed without objection.

“I’m grateful for the whole-hearted support of the governors,” said Dr Letman. “A longer day won’t, on its own, give us all the benefits we’re looking for but it will provide the right framework.”

More than seventy parents contributed to the consultation process. The overwhelming majority were in favour.

The chair of governors, Tim Fenton, said: “I’d like to thank all the parents who contributed to the development of the proposal. We realise the change may inconvenience some parents but are convinced it is the most effective thing we can do now to accelerate progress. A lot of good work is being done in the classrooms at Holbrook Academy. There can now be more”.