Key Stage 3

At KS3, Years 7-9, students study a strong academic core of subjects, a broad range of foundation subjects and a wide enrichment offer over a two-week timetable.

In Year 7, 8 and 9 students are taught the subjects outlined below with the allocation of time for each subject per fortnight (lessons are 100 minutes):

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
English (incl. Yr 7 Accelerated Reader) 5 5 5
Maths 5 5 5
Science 4 4 4
Art 2 1 1
Computer Science 1 2 1
Drama 1 1 1
Design Technology 1 1 1
Food Technology 1 1 1
Geography 1 1 2
History 2 1 2
Music 1 1 1
PE 2 2 2
Religious Education 1 2 1
Spanish 2 2 2
Lifeskills 1 1 1
30 30 30


Students are taught in two different ‘groups’ of subjects:
  • In Maths and Science students are streamed by ability.
  • In all other subjects, students are in mixed ability groups.

For each subject there is a programme of study that guides the content of lessons. For some subjects there are aspects of the programme that are compulsory.

During Year 9, students will be asked to make choices about the subjects they wish to study at GCSE.  The options available are offered in line with the learning needs of individual cohorts.


GCSE options

In Year 10 and 11, in addition to the subjects studied at KS3, students are also currently able to choose from the following options:

  • Business
  • Food Nutrition and Preparation
  • Product Design
  • Music Technology
  • Sociology
  • Health and Social Care
  • Childcare