Holbrook Academy has an up-to-date Relationship and Sex Education Education (RSE) policy, agreed annually by the governing body and available on the website for inspection and discussion. The policy is based on guidance from the DfE, and takes account of the revised National Curriculum and the Personal, Social and Health Education Framework.
The programme is mainly delivered through Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education lessons and science. Issues are also reinforced through English, drama, religious education and citizenship. The content of the programme is closely monitored, and the vocabulary and any teaching materials used are appropriate for the age and maturity of the students. Outside agencies may be used to support the teaching of Relationship and Sex Education where possible.
Students are encouraged to have due regard to moral issues and the value of family life and long term relationships. Although the policy is inclusive of all students, parents/carers have the legal right to withdraw their child from PSHE Education Personal Relationships lessons. An awareness of personal safety is a key focus of our teaching.
You can find a breakdown of the school year showing the RSE content by following this link:- PSHE Curriculum Map 2023-24