Design Technology: Product Design

Key Stage 4

GCSE Design and Technology         
Exam Board – AQA

NEA  (Non exam assessment)
50% of GCSE   30-35 hours

Summer written exam
50% of GCSE   2 hours

The Design and Technology course involves students working with a range of materials – paper, card, wood, plastics and textiles including smart materials. Students will be involved in the analysis, design and making of products, designing in two and three dimensional forms and the use of computer aided design and manufacture.

Design and making remains at the heart of the subject. The course involves one controlled assessment (NEA). Students complete approximately 20 A3 pages of coursework in the form of a folder featuring research, design work, planning, evidence of manufacture and evaluations. A prototype quality product using the selected material(s) will be made.

There is one written examination at the end of Year 11.

Key Stage 3

Through a variety of creative and practical activities, the students will be taught the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in an iterative process of design and making.

Design and Technology is taught in mixed ability groups across Years 7, 8 and 9. A selection of projects include graphics, woodwork, textiles and CAD/CAM.

Throughout the year, students will look at the main elements; researching, designing and the environment we live in.

Current projects are:

Year 7: Acrylic clock, wooden puzzle, textile project, drawing skills and room modelling.

Year 8: Wooden box, mechanical toy, silk screen printing, electronic moisture tester (when and if it is available).

Year 9: Passive amplifier (mini coursework style project), wooden mechanical projects, Dragons’ Den pitches (events), recycled clothing and textiles.

Students will learn a range of drawing techniques as well as a range of making skills, using a variety of tools and equipment. Health and Safety is taught within all projects across the year groups and it is essential that all students adhere to the Health and Safety rules.

Home learning tasks are set and are relevant to the projects undertaken during the academic year. Our aim is to ensure that every student is allowed the opportunity to experience different processes along an exciting journey of exploration and learn new life skills along the way.


Wider Reading Lists   

Technology – KS4 Wider Reading List

Technology – KS3 Wider Reading List